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Previous Collabs, Workshops & Events


Design (1957-1988): A Modern Architectural Discourse of India, 6 . 6 . 2023 - AGGF, the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

- Innovative & Sustainable Architecture, 25 . 1 . 2023 - Diplomatia association and the Chiomenti studio, Rome, Italy.

Design (1946, Britain) juxtaposed with Design (1957, India), 13 . 1 . 2023 - Centre for Design History, the University of Brighton, UK.



- Seminar Workshop - Design (1957-1988): A global, postcolonial discourse, 10 . 10 . 2022 - Centre for Design History, the University of Brighton, UK.

Modernism behind the West: the case of South Asia, 16 . 9 . 2022 - AGGF, the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

- Architectural Histories Editorial Workshop, 15 . 6 . 2022 - EAHN Biennial Conference, Madrid, Spain.

- Design Thinking Webinar, 12 . 3 . 2022 - Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Design, Integral University, Lucknow, India. 



- Short-term Course: Design Thinking, 27 . 9 . - 1 . 10 . 2021, Centre for Continuing Education, Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, India. 

- Design as Projection & Book Launch - 'Revered Reminiscences', 25 . 6 . 2021 - Giani Zail Singh School of Architecture and Planning, Bathinda, India. 

Architectural Dissertation Seminar & Book Launch - ‘Literature Study & Technical Writing in Architecture’, 12 . 5 . 2021 - Gopalan School of Architecture & Planning, Bangalore, India.



- Lateral Thinking in Architecture, 5 . 12 . 2020 - Study Rooms,  Bauhaus Dessau, Germany.

- Open Studio, Indigenous Habitat, 27 . – 31 . 7 . 2020 - Bauhaus Dessau, Germany.



Quintessential Constructs of Indian Architecture & Book Launch - 'Poetry & Architecture', 29 . 5 . 2019 - the University of Rome, 'TorVergata', Italy.

- Creative Writing in Architecture, 9 . 8 . 2019 - Chitkara School of Planning & Architecture, Punjab, India

Architectural Journalism and Critical Appreciation, 8 . 8 . 2019 - Gopalan School of Architecture & Planning, Bangalore, India.



- SPARK Workshop: Architectural Journalism & Criticism, 8 . 9 . 2018 - Sasi Creative School of Architecture, Coimbatore, India.

- Architectural Journalism: 60th Annual NASA Convention, 29 . 1 - 2 . 2 . 2018 - DC School of Architecture and Design, Vagamon, Kerala, India


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